Business Coaching

Katy is a qualified and experienced business coach, who offers sessions to individuals and teams. Katy has coached teachers, nurses, executives, parents returning back into the work place, business owners through their start up phase, as well as those further into their business journey acquiring or merging businesses. Equally Katy has coached and directed owners through business exits to sell. Katy can support whether this is coaching individuals and teams through a transition or integration i.e. an acquisitional change or a merger, or by coaching a leader through the step change of middle management into executive leadership. Katy has coached people to have the courage to change their career direction entirely as well as to go for the promotion that they have always desired to achieve within their industry. Katy leans on her international 20 year career in leadership and change as well as her lived experience, when coaching her clients.

Strategy & Growth

Katy is an experienced business strategist. She has spent two decades leading and delivering on strategy at national and local government level, in both the UK and Australia. She leans on her experience and qualifications in leadership, business management and strategy to provide coaching and mentoring sessions for business owners, entrepreneurs, not for profit and government leaders, or individuals with ambition to achieve performance excellence. Katy helps leaders who want to put their innovative ideas into action by facilitating strategy workshops and then co-producing clear project plans for delivery. Equally, Katy has worked alongside Business Owners who require a business growth strategy mapped and then support with operational execution.

Management Consultancy

Katy has 20 years experience leading and delivering on transformation projects and large scale programs of change. She is a qualified and experienced projects, programs and change leader. She has led on NHS programs during COVID and beyond. She has worked with teams in the UK and Australia to achieve transformational change and growth. She has designed and reformed mental health policy in Western Australia. She has directed a private rehabilitation case management company during a large scale acquisition and change. Her passion and purpose is to collaborate with leaders and executive boards of organisations who's values align with her own. Katy Ellen Snelgrove Ltd is available on a consultancy basis.

Workplace Wellbeing Pulse Check

Katy works with corporate companies to conduct an audit (pulse check) and analysis on their staff wellbeing & workplace culture. This one off pulse check and analysis provides company leaders and their executive boards with a detailed report on their current staff wellbeing and recommendations for improvements if required. Katy has worked at exec level for many years, and knows that investing in people's development and their wellbeing is critical for business performance, recruitment and ultimately retention of talented staff. Annual staff engagement sessions and surveys will allow business owners and leaders to truly know how their people are feeling and performing and to then understand better the areas that could be improved, year on year as part of their business and workforce strategy.