24 Jun

Alongside her business consultancy work, Katy also practices as a health and wellbeing practitioner, certified in trauma, recovery, NLP, EFT and physical fitness coaching. She has lived experience of recovery from addictions inclusive of excessive work and exercise- eating related disorders, PTSD, insomnia, stress and emotional burnout. Her life-long commitment to natural therapy is why she has overcome her own life challenges, and how she continues to face any future challenges. She does this because she has tried both avenues; the medication route, and the wellbeing route. The medication route only masked the problems, it did not allow Katy to face her inner trauma head on. The wellbeing route did & for the last 15 years she has found a great sense of purpose and peace through these natural practices. She has designed a wellbeing program that incorporates all aspects of wellbeing; mind, body and spirit. It is her life-long mission to raise awareness of the health risks associated with long term medication and substance misuse, as well as poor wellbeing i.e. lack of physical movement & a poor processed diet. Katy's program is designed to ensure that the whole self is taken into consideration to reach optimum wellbeing. She has helped individuals to overcome mental health challenges such as suicidal ideation, addictions, as well as low self esteem and panic attacks. She has helped individuals to overcome their fear of stepping out of their comfort zone and into the temporary pain zone for change. Katy has her own wellbeing Mentor, who has supported Katy on her own personal journey towards optimum wellbeing for the last 20 years, and Katy now wants to give back to others who need her experience and expertise.     

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