
Business consulting & coaching - helping others to become the best version of themselves 

About Powerful-Direction
Katy founded her consultancy and coaching business in 2023, after making the decision to step out of her corporate 'employed' executive position and instead focus on her own wellbeing and her two young children, finding a different direction in life; one of true purpose, balance and wellbeing. Prior to this, Katy spent 20 years leading and directing change programs, across the UK and Australia. She has designed, developed and operationalised suicide prevention services in Western Australia, she has led acute hospital operations within the NHS, she has directed a private healthcare company, she has worked with not for profit organisations to develop and implement their strategy and she has directed large scale acquisitions and mergers. She is a lived experience advocate for her local mental health NHS trust board and is an expert in natural rehabilitation. Katy has led NHS teams during the COVID-19  pandemic and now advises others on burnout prevention. Her lived experience of overcoming burnout, PTSD combined with her NLP, EFT, leadership, coaching for change and mentoring qualifications plus her 20 year career in leadership and business strategy is why she now consults to individuals and teams globally. Katy enjoys helping others to develop, to realise their full potential and growth. Optimum wellness and performance excellence are the foundations of Katy's consultancy business and the proof that you too can find the power within to change your direction and win at life.
Change your thoughts, and you will change your direction
Discover the power within

Mindset Coaching - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Katy is a qualified Mindset Coach and Wellbeing Practitioner, qualified in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), coaching for change, trauma healing informed practices - natural therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & how to overcome burnout. Katy leans on these tools as well as her lived experience and 20 year career in health, social care and justice, to mentor and coach others towards change. She supports individuals and teams to realise their full potential, by identifying their core values, strengths, talents, passion and true purpose. Katy has supported business owners, teachers, NHS practitioners, private healthcare clinicians, executives, fitness coaches and owners, politicians, investors, accountants, athletes, lawyers, parents, and more, to realise their full potential.

Fitness Coaching

Katy is a qualified fitness coach who truly walks the walk. Her love for fitness and health is why she decided to study later in life, gaining fitness qualifications to compliment her lived experience and passion for advocating lifestyle treatments to anyone who is experiencing mental or physical ill health. She knows the power of fitness and how this can enhance your business performance and other aspects within your life.

Business Coaching

Katy is a qualified and experienced business coach, who offers sessions to individuals and teams. Katy has coached teachers, nurses, executives, parents returning back into the work place, business owners through their start up phase, as well as those further into their business journey acquiring or merging businesses. Equally Katy has coached and directed owners through business exits to sell. Katy can support whether this is coaching individuals and teams through a transition or integration i.e. an acquisitional change or a merger, or by coaching a leader through the step change of middle management into executive leadership. Katy has coached people to have the courage to change their career direction entirely as well as to go for the promotion that they have always desired to achieve within their industry. Katy leans on her international 20 year career in leadership and change as well as her lived experience, when coaching her clients.

Strategy & Growth

Katy is an experienced business strategist. She has spent two decades leading and delivering on strategy at national and local government level, in both the UK and Australia. She leans on her experience and qualifications in leadership, business management and strategy to provide coaching and mentoring sessions for business owners, entrepreneurs, not for profit and government leaders, or individuals with ambition to achieve performance excellence. Katy helps leaders who want to put their innovative ideas into action by facilitating strategy workshops and then co-producing clear project plans for delivery. Equally, Katy has worked alongside Business Owners who require a business growth strategy mapped and then support with operational execution.

Management Consultancy

Katy has 20 years experience leading and delivering on transformation projects and large scale programs of change. She is a qualified and experienced projects, programs and change leader. She has led on NHS programs during COVID and beyond. She has worked with teams in the UK and Australia to achieve transformational change and growth. She has designed and reformed mental health policy in Western Australia. She has directed a private rehabilitation case management company during a large scale acquisition and change. Her passion and purpose is to collaborate with leaders and executive boards of organisations who's values align with her own. Katy Ellen Snelgrove Ltd is available on a consultancy basis.

Workplace Wellbeing Pulse Check

Katy works with corporate companies to conduct an audit (pulse check) and analysis on their staff wellbeing & workplace culture. This one off pulse check and analysis provides company leaders and their executive boards with a detailed report on their current staff wellbeing and recommendations for improvements if required. Katy has worked at exec level for many years, and knows that investing in people's development and their wellbeing is critical for business performance, recruitment and ultimately retention of talented staff. Annual staff engagement sessions and surveys will allow business owners and leaders to truly know how their people are feeling and performing and to then understand better the areas that could be improved, year on year as part of their business and workforce strategy.

  • 65 Links Avenue, Felixstowe, UK
  • IP11 9PF
  •  Tue-Fri - 10.00 - 18.00 Evening appointments available


Mindset coaching for change

  • Individual wellness coaching and mentoring sessions. Charge rates depend upon individual circumstances. Katy does not want to exclude people from her support. Therefore she offers payment plans and affordable options for her clients to allow for flexibility and access to her services.
Invest in yourself

Do you provide support in between sessions?

Absolutely, yes. Powerful-Direction is set up with a wealth of resources and further studies. Katy offers her clients access to resources following their sessions with her, as well as in between sessions. After each session, Katy shares reading and listening (self development homework), for her mentees, dependent on their need, ability and interest. She has access to various platforms of books, podcasts, fellow mentors, fellow coaches, self-development networks and motivational music. 

Are your sessions a set price?

These are corporate rates. They are an indication dependent on affordability and environment. Powerful-Direction's ethos is to first and foremost help others and to compliment the mainstream NHS, social care and independent wellbeing wait lists. For individuals and not for profit charitable organisation's, Powerful-Direction's core values align with kindness and the desire to give back to local communities. Therefore, services are negotiable and are a guidance for individuals and organisation's to discuss with Katy at the point of initial consultation. 

Alongside her business consultancy work, Katy also practices as a health and wellbeing practitioner, certified in trauma, recovery, NLP, EFT and physical fitness coaching. She has lived experience of recovery from addictions inclusive of excessive work and exercise- eating related disorders, PTSD, insomnia, stress and emotional burnout. Her life-long commitment to natural therapy is why she has overcome her own life challenges, and how she continues to face any future challenges. She does this because she has tried both avenues; the medication route, and the wellbeing route. The medication route only masked the problems, it did not allow Katy to face her inner trauma head on. The wellbeing route did & for the last 15 years she has found a great sense of purpose and peace through these natural practices. She has designed a wellbeing program that incorporates all aspects of wellbeing; mind, body and spirit. It is her life-long mission to raise awareness of the health risks associated with long term medication and substance misuse, as well as poor wellbeing i.e. lack of physical movement & a poor processed diet. Katy's program is designed to ensure that the whole self is taken into consideration to reach optimum wellbeing. She has helped individuals to overcome mental health challenges such as suicidal ideation, addictions, as well as low self esteem and panic attacks. She has helped individuals to overcome their fear of stepping out of their comfort zone and into the temporary pain zone for change. Katy has her own wellbeing Mentor, who has supported Katy on her own personal journey towards optimum wellbeing for the last 20 years, and Katy now wants to give back to others who need her experience and expertise.     


Book in with Katy for a free 30 minute discovery & assessment call, where she will answer any of your questions and talk to you about her program, her career, her qualifications and her lived experience. Katy is a wellbeing expert who genuinely walks the walk and is passionate about mindset change and optimum wellbeing. She is a Mum to two young children, and fully understands all of life's stresses & pressures including perimenopausal and menopausal challenges. She is the honest mum and mentor, who will coach you on your own transformative journey towards becoming a stronger and better version of yourself.

What even is mindset wellbeing coaching and mentoring & how can it benefit me?


Katy embarked on a caffeine free life after a period of burnout. She has overcome hormonal imbalances, severe perimenopausal mental health mood imbalances and long COVID fatigue by removing caffeine from her diet. She shares how she achieved this without medical interventions or substitution caffeine free products. Her mental health is balanced and re-energised as a result of quitting coffee after 20 years relying on caffeine to function at an optimum level in business and fitness.

During her mentoring and coaching sessions, Katy shares with her clients the tools and techniques that she used to quit coffee after a period of burnout and fatigue. 


Katy launched her own business in 2023. She has also ran a company as a Business Director and therefore knows what is needed to succeed in business and life whilst maintaining positive relationships and health outside of business.

Incoming blog. Watch this space. 


Katy talks about 'the elephant in the room' and the importance of speaking the truth, in order for true healing to happen.

Katy's change program comes from a place of authenticity and truth. She teaches her clients about the importance of connections and honest relationships. When we live a life that is true to ourselves, the whole self is able to move towards a place of optimum wellbeing. 


Katy lives a sober, happy, balanced life. After multiple attempts to quit alcohol, she finally found the tools and techniques to achieve this change for good. She has discovered that the mind and body has the ability to move to the highest levels of peak performance and happiness once sober for longer than a 6 month period. She shares her story, experience and tools for change with her clients and provides ongoing support to others who wish to remove alcohol from their lives and not just for 'dry January'.

Katy's 6 step program to change reveals how she quit alcohol for good after several previous attempts and failures.